5 reasons why face to face meetings work better than online
Whether you want to build your team or need to meet new clients, a face-to-face meeting can’t be beaten. Here are 5 reasons why you should stay off the computer and book a meeting room instead:
- You can build trust more easily face to face. Have you ever met someone after a number of online meetings and calls and thought that they look or seem like a different person to the one you have been talking to? While online meetings can save time, you don’t build the same trust as when you see someone face to face.
- You can maintain engagement face to face. We’ve all been there – the online meeting that drags on and on. Maybe you have taken surreptitious glances at your phone? Perhaps you have switched your camera off altogether? In a face to face meeting you can respond to people’s interests more easily and maintain great engagement in a way that just can’t be done online.
- You can communicate more effectively face to face. It can be hard to see if your audience understands you when delivering a talk online, but it’s much easier to check in with people, take questions and tailor your answers face to face.
- You can spark creativity face to face. If you need to come up with new ideas for a campaign, develop new products or problem solve, there’s nothing like a face to face meeting. It’s the side chats, the jokes, the discussion over a coffee that sometimes bring the breakthrough you need – and you won’t get that in a webinar.
- You can be more efficient face to face. While you might think an online meeting is a time-saver, just think of all the time that is wasted! Seriously, are the people in your online meeting truly engaged like they would be in a face to face meeting? However conscientious your team, attention can waver when faced by hours of online meetings. Well planned face to face meetings are a refreshing change nowadays.
There are many more benefits to a meeting in a venue – many people look forward to getting out of the home office nowadays. Why not make your next meeting a face to face one? Find out more about our meeting rooms in Birmingham here.