Tuesday, January 14, 2025
About the NRC

At the NRC in November

A range of organisations have meetings and events coming up this month at the NRC.

Specsavers will be holding its regular Hearing Care Assistant workshop, part of a series for those working towards the BTEC level 4.

Coopervision is returning with Hound Dog Films to make the most of the venue for filming.

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) will be holding its Consultation Day for members, combining a face to face with a broadcast event.

ABDO will also hold the first in its new Focus on OCT training day, as well as continuing to hold theory and practical examinations.

If you are looking for a venue for filming, a location for exams in Birmingham, or somewhere for meetings large or small, get in touch with the team at the NRC.