Saturday, July 27, 2024
Latest news

Eyecare Birmingham at the NRC

It’s all go at the NRC with Eyecare Birmingham taking place Sunday. Following on the success of Eyecare Glasgow, this CPD-fest for opticians and optometrists brings a packed agenda of education and an exhibition.

The NRC’s Mat Stringer says, ” We’re thrilled to be welcoming the Eyecare team and all the attendees. This is our the biggest event so far this year across multiple lecture areas and both floors. We have extra measures in place for additional parking so everyone can get to the NRC easily.”

You can find out more about the educational lectures, sonsors and exhibitors for the event here. If this looks just like what you need to be doing this Sunday, book your ticket here, and the code abdobrum gets £10 off.

This week also sees the return of Senior Optical Assistant exams across three days, and the return of FiveGuys for an event at the venue.