Sunday, September 8, 2024
About the NRCLatest news

Behind the scenes at the NRC this week

Following last week’s large events with 100+ visitors the team the the NRC has a small window to prepare for the ABDO theory exams. This entails clearing all the training kit, tables and chair setups, accounting for all used optical kit, restocking, replenishing, and recycling.

Once the bulk of the NRC is stripped, we vacuum approx. 6,000 square foot in this instance and wipe down all tables and chairs. To put this into perspective we wiped down 70+ tables and 100+ chairs. Carpets are shampooed too depending on spillages of previous event.

The NRC is clean and ready to prep for the next event. The setup for ABDO exams means the entire fourth floor has to be opened up so four partition walls moved then exam tables and chairs for the maximum number of students and table dividers for each table.

We then make sure exam paperwork has arrived and is locked away. The invigilators need an area too, so we set up tables around the fourth-floor area with spare lined and graph paper, pens, calculators, and general stationery too.

We then check the audio capabilities, mics needed for invigilators to get exam registrations across and that the giant screens are all on with the correct time on for everyone to see.

We will help to register the students sitting exams and for most theory exam days there are multiple papers being sat so after each paper we then reset chairs, paper and assist invigilators in any way we can to ensure smooth running of the exam session. 

This particular session is Tuesday-Thursday. Friday we then start the process again for audiology exams that are taking place next week. Working at the NRC is not for the faint hearted!