Saturday, July 27, 2024
About the NRC

Fully booked for July – get in touch now for your meetings next month

It’s all go at the NRC this month with a packed programme of FInal Qualifying Exams for the Association of British Dispensing Opticians. Students and examiners will be filling the exam venue in Birmingham on a daily basis as they seek to become fully qualified dispensing opticians and contact lens opticians.

As well as being an exam venue for opticians and ophthalmologists, the NRC has a range of rooms large and small for client meetings, conferences and lectures. It’s central location means it is easy to reach whether you are travelling from the Midlands, from across the UK or indeed flying in to Birmingham International.

You can explore the site to see the range fo events that take place here, or click here to contact the team with your enquiry. We are always happy to show you round, either face to face or virtually.