Tuesday, January 14, 2025
About the NRCLatest news

How to get to the NRC

The NRC is within easy reach of major road, rail and air transport

Aston train station is less than a mile from the NRC, Birmingham New Street is 3 miles away. The NRC is outside of Birmingham CAZ (clean air zone) and is also just outside the major traffic hotspots. By foot the city centre is approx. 30 minute walk. Buses are regular and easily accessible. Bus stops are located 0.2 miles from the building just outside the business village. And we work closely with TOA who are our regular taxi provider. The NRC team will order a taxi via our direct line for you should you need one.

Address: ABDO National Resource Centre, 4th Floor, Aqueous II, Aston Cross Business Village (off Rocky Lane), Chester Street, Birmingham, B6 5RQ

Get in contact if have any queries enquiries@abdonrc.org.uk