Our busiest December ever!
We are deep into the busiest December the NRC has ever experienced, and definitely ready for our Christmas closing procedures and some downtime, reports operations manager Mat Stringer.
Earlier this month we hosted the Specsavers professional development team for their pre-registration OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) practical mocks. This event spanned five days – 250 students took part in a range of workshops as well as practice exams held in our clinical bays.
Last week we hosted the Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ refraction exams. We are their only UK refraction exam venue. They use the entire fifth floor and the clinical bay, as well as providing space for students and registering them on the fourth floor.
This week, we finish off with another two-day Specsavers OSCE preparation course and a small theory exam.
As we head into Christmas, I would like to thank all of our visitors for their continued support, my team who have been phenomenal, and the wider ABDO team for helping us achieve the most successful year the NRC has ever had!