Friday, February 14, 2025
Latest news

A bright future for eyecare

We were proud to host a group of enthusiastic eyecare professionals at the Association of British Dispensing Opticians’ (ABDO’s) extended services day in December. 

The contact lens opticians were developing their skills, working towards an advanced qualification to deliver acute eyecare. It’s a practical training day ahead of their final exam. They will go on to provide services for minor or urgent eyecare in the community, helping to reduce hospital waiting lists.

They used the fifth floor and our clinical bays. Max Halford, ABDO’s clinical lead, said the learners were “really engaged”. Max was one of two facilitators, with Sasha Macken from WOPEC, the body that awards the qualifications. 

All the candidates are now ready to move onto their final exams at the end of January.

One learner told us afterwards: “I just wanted to drop you a quick email to say how much I enjoyed the  course yesterday – it was absolutely fantastic! You and the team did a brilliant job, and I left feeling both inspired and better informed.”

Best wishes to all our guests for their final exams!