ABDO expands NRC offering
In good news for anyone who is waiting to take their examinations after Covid-related delays, the NRC will be able to offer examinations temporarily across four floors for the summer session. This move is as a result of the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) requiring Covid-secure facilities for theory examinations week. Students will benefit from this single, safe and accessible location.
The NRC’s Mat Stringer says, “It’s going to be a busy summer at the NRC. In addition two the two floors which ABDO normally occupies for examinations, we have been able to facilitate a further two floors on a temporary basis, maximising the number of students who can safely sit theory and practical exams during what is going to be a busy week.”
The NRC is a leading Birmingham exam venue – contact the team at the NRC if you are looking for facilities for OSCEs, practical or theory examinations.
You can find out more about how we are keeping students and examiners safe here.
The Association of British Dispensing Opticians examinations news and updates can be found here.
If you’re attending for examinations this summer, check out the NRC’s exams advice here.