Tuesday, January 14, 2025
About the NRC

Embracing the environment at the NRC

The environment has been at the heart of the NRC right from the start. If you are interested in an eco-friendly business meeting venue in Birmingham, check out what the NRC does:

Saving fuel: the NRC has automated lighting that works off sensors reducing unecessary power use. Water is controlled via meter and adjusts with peak usage times. The windows have a thermal tint and all doors auto close, cutting down on loss of heat. Power is controlled by a timer to ensure it is only on when we need. The screens within the NRCare also low energy rating where possible.Aircon is climate control and turns off when reaches set temperature.

Reuse: We encourage reusable cups for users to bring for coffee machines.

Saving food: any spare food at the end of the day is taken to local community organisations.

Recycle: since the start of the pandemic we have had to switch to disposable cups and plates, but we found Veg ware which is fully compostable and made from plant based materials.

Staying local: We use local catering and food suppliers where possible to minimise food miles.

NRC Operations Manager Mat Stringer says, “We are always keen to improve what we do at the NRC. Drop me a line if you have more ideas for more ways to reduce, reuse and recycle at the NRC.”

Photo by André Cook from Pexels